Sunday 2 September 2018

From the Pages of History

I am always fascinated by the actual events of history as it were the real bedrock of history on which different historians construct their historical edifice . When a major events occur in any period of any century , it is very difficult of chronicling them as every body has different version to say . Suppose ,the revolt of 1857 would have been favourable for Indians , the whole historical narrative would have changed .
Battle of Chinhat on 30th June 1857 prior to besiegement of Lucknow residency
 On 30th of June 1857, 1st open combat with British forces happened & British forces were  handsomely defeated. The British historians have gone in amnesia in narrating the defeat of British armed forces because they always talk of British invincibility against tremendous adversity during
1st war of independence starting from 26 Feb 1857 & officially ending on 8th July 1859 which is roughly spanning 2 years & 6 months. This period is only 160 year old & in this period of two & half years , how much real melodrama, how much destruction of families ,how much change of fortunes for the worst happened is simply beyond the realm of thinking , but alas ! no authentic ,unbiased account of events of bravery & sacrifice on macro level or micro level have been  discussed,  forget the memorials,cenotaph or epigraphical citations of any type !

                The chief commissioner of the residency at Lucknow was Sir Henry Lawrence & on 26th February 1857 1st rebellion of Sepoy from 19th N.I from Behrampur was reported  & its flagration was reported from different barracks in no time . The Lucknow residency was aware of it, so, dosing out any rebellion & nipping it in the beginning was the strategy formulated. As the official British historian say , mere 600 arm forces marched towards Chinhat ,as they heard fare number of armed nationalist had converged there & planning to attack 'Bailey Guard' known as बेली गारद इन in local lingo . It was gate of residency.But the British forces led by Sir Henry Lawrence & Col. John Inglis With many other English officers.

                                                    Deserter from  an army barrack Barkat Ahmed ,a hard boiled trained soldier was leading the nationalist army ,ambushed them & thoroughly defeated British army & forced them to retreat to residency . The bridge over 'Kukrail Stream' was was the real combat theatre ,where Britishers suffered heavy casualty & tasted the spectre of defeat & annihilation. Somehow depleted British forces returned to residency , closed & fortified Bailey Guard, gate of residency  besieged themselves for 87 days.

                          It was saga of survival as for 87 days for Britishers & a ferocious battle ensued from house top to house top . The leadership mantle of nationalist army was over Begum Hazrat Mahal. We know the result of 1857 revolt  ,but its depiction by most respected Indian historian Prof R.C. Majumdar enraged reputed Hindi literary author  Amrit Lal Nagar . He visited many places of U.P. then known as 'Oudh' & got 1st hand report from the descendants of freedom fighters , procured many names & documents preserved as 'Jang nama' known as real oral history. In this endeavour he met the descendants of war heroes of the 'Battle of Chinhat' & simply rued over the apathy of the Government of India. In his words----

'' सुल्तानपुर में दो रूप देखने को मिलते हैं I एक तो चिनहट के खानजादों का जुझारू रूप जो बेगम (हजरत महल) की प्रेरणा से स्वातंत्र्य युद्ध में शरीक हुए और इस प्रकार ब्यापक संगठन का परिचय दिया  I दूसरा चित्र पुराने सुल्तानपुर के खंडहरों से मिलता है I ग़दर में केवल भारतवासियों की क्रूरता को ही देखने वाले भारतीयोंसे मेरा सविनय निवेदन है कि एक बार पुराने सुल्तानपुर नगर के खंडहरों को अपनी आखों से देख आयें  I

                                            अन्ग्रेजों ने गाँव के गाँव घेर कर जलाये हैं , जलते हुए मनुष्यों को भागने  संगीनों से चौहद्दी बांध कर आग में धकेला है ,अमानुषिक प्रतिहिंसा  से भारतबासियों का कत्लेआम किया है ''

The descendants of war heroes only want at least a memorial ,cenotaph or citation of their bravery should be inscribed & at least they should be known as descendants of war heroes & patriots  .

 But the apathy doled out to them, simply gives revulsion & forces to chuckle ' This is incredible India'   




  1. The battle of Chihat on 30 June 1857 always rankles in my mind as 1st time in open combat British forces were defeated, severely mauled & force to be retreated in the confines of Lucknow residency. This was not trifle ,but Government of India fail to commemorate this event ,never thought to put a memorial ,cenotaph or citation of any type & the descendants of those martyrs are now living in most pitiable condition & they feel their ancestors had cheated them . How unfair this political class to them who always sermonize on patriotism on a drop of hat , very funny !

  2. अमृत लाल नागर,१९५७ में जब आर .सी मजुमदार की किताब ;रिवोल्ट ऑफ़ इंडिया १८५७ प्रकाशित हुई थी तो स्वयं को रोक नहीं सके थे और खुद उन जगहों का भरी गर्मी में दौरा किया था और शहीदों के उत्तराधिकारियों से मिल कर उनके द्वारा किये गए त्याग की कहानी जाननी चाही थी , क्योंकि १८५७ और १९५७ के बीच १०० साल ही का फर्क है i नागरजी शहीदों के वंशजों से मिले और बहुत द्रवित होकर अपनी किताब ' ग़दर के फूल' में लिखा --"मैं इतिहासकार नहीं हूँ ,इतिहास का पंडित भी नहीं I हाँ, अपने देश के इतिहास के प्रति जिज्ञाशु अवश्य हूँ Iहाल ही में प्रकाशित होनेवाले अपने स्वनाम धन्य इतिहासकारों द्वारा लिखित सत्तावनी क्रांति इतिहासों से मेरे मन में बरा छोभ है Iअचानक जमी -जमाई आस्था को धक्का लगने के कारण नहीं , वरन इसलिए छुब्ध हूँ कि हमारे राष्ट्रीय स्वाभिमान्ररहित स्वनामधन्य इतिहासकारों ने एक ऐसे सत्य को, जिसका जनचेतना से बहुत गहरा लगाव है ,महज उपरी तौर टटोल कर अपना फतवा दे डालने का दंभ भरता है I
