Wednesday 9 November 2016

Random Memoirs of S.V.R. Surat

Ichhanath temple & S.V.R. Surat are so mingled with each other , it is difficult to differentiate them . At least in my time of 1967 dropping down to Ichhanath bus stand ,coming from any place of Surat  town was imperative before entering  the precinct of S.V.R campus .In the year 1967 ,the Icchanath temple had a mustachio priest of medium height , ever present ,always hovering in the small premises of the temple . In his whole persona ,the most important feature was his mustache which brought different feelings to different folks . Some had viewed him as bandit, some a benign fellow with a trace of smile under his mustache on any mundane query .Mustache is strange natural additive on a male's face which can bring different emotions to different persons !
Icchanath temple
The temple had soothing effect on the jarring nerves of students & engineering students had always disturbed mindset due to myriad of reasons & I was one of them so always paying obeisance on flimsy of reasons to Icchanath temple .I was in 1st year in 1967 & S.V.R was not in a position of providing regular hostel but in the 2nd term of 1st year & from the 2nd year college was able to provide Servant Quarter as regular hostel to hostel seekers .  
Servant Quarter courtesy Mr Anil Saxena 
                                                                                                                                                                                    I do not know why this edifice ,which I have heard is dismantled but I never forget my sweet memories of my period of stay in this weird named place 'Servant Quarter'.In the 2nd year in 1968 , I was in room no 27
in the single bed space having a window which opened toward barren expanse of land mass in which I enjoyed the various moods of nature & in that colourful paintings by the inter play of clouds in the sky.The clouds forming in the sky ,sometimes bevy of clouds in azure blue sky, sometime bulbous cloud pregnant with rain ,sometime russet sky,sometime aquamarine, some time brick red , oh! reclining on bed watching their inter play was just brought languid laziness to my whole being. The course book lying on self was so repulsive .
When in the night rain coming  with roaring sound , tip-taping window panes with staccato percussion after sometime,stopping with heavy atmosphere, croaking of frogs bringing cacophonous sound in inky night ,all so soothing & bringing galloping fancy thoughts .

  In daytime looking outside window or from front corridor only barren field of campus  was visible with some ashtray cattle grazing with zig-zag vestige of footprints . In the common discussion with buddies or folks I simply rued my fortune cursing the fate , is this regional engineering was in my share!

The barren campus was not photographed that time but look alike expanse is shown.
Look alike barren Land of campus

Now the campus loos like this !

 The campus of S.V.R. Surat now known as NIT Surat is full of grandeur , full of verve having the accreditation of 17th engineering institute of the country, daily bringing new feather to its cap. Marvellous! !                  

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