Thursday 14 January 2016

Nitish Kumar & conjugate Beam Theory ( Part -4)

Nitish Kumar assiduously building up his image in the jungle of Bihar politics of a knowing & honest politician with a liberal outlook as he had the training of an engineer & there was no story against his name in the general  gossip of currency . This gradually turned into a advantage & more after George Farnandis allied with B.J.P. in centre & particularly with Atal Bihari Bajpayee. Lalu Pd was in the process of conviction in fodder scam  by judicial court & Rabri Devi as figure head adorning the chair of Chief Minister of Bihar spawning raj of kidnapping, plunder & nepotism. For resourceful & mighty in the cast matrix of Bihar ,it was a free bee in every aspect of day to day life bordering  lumpen behavioural tendencies   .General public was helpless & in stupor .

                                                 In this backdrop Nitish Kumar was viewed as plausible replacement for Lalu-Rabri raj but he commanded mere 4% of kurmi cast votes albeit load of good will of general public .But only good will doesn't make you victor in democratic hustling. Nitish Kumar was aware of this fact & waited with canny instinct to take advantage in political jugular . He was already in union cabinet of B.J.P. courtesy George Ferandis giving good account of his administrative skill & at the same time converting Samta Party in Janta Dal (united). But Nitish Kumar wanted himself to be fulcrum of Bihar politics on the strength of his  clean image with no baggage attached. Gradually he was succeeding in his effort .

                                              B.J.P. wanted a face to take Lalu Pd in hustling but M-Y combination was intact  & formidable . Bidhan Sabha of 2005 was declared . R.J.D. -Congress combine was pitted against JDU-B.J.P. combine beside smaller political outfits  In the election in the month of February hung assembly precipitated in which JDU fetched lesser number of seats  compared to B.J.P. but with shifty lesser political parties Nitish Kumar on the strength of his image was sworned as chief minister for few days only but chinks in Muslim vote bank was apparently visible . In October 2005 again Bidhan Sabha  election was held & JDU-B.J.P. combine came back with thumping majority & Nitish Kumar sworned as chief minister of Bihar . 

                                           Stage was set & Nitish Kumar was gaining strength  after strength as political leader of prime importance in Bihar . Cast matrix of Bihar was on his finger tips & he was equipped with winning formula , at the same time acceptable to every cast  either forward or backward . His field of manoeuvrability was enlarging day by day & he turned in to fulcrum in Bihar politics. Naredra Mody was declared ipsofacto priminsterial candidate in Lok Sabha election . Nitish Kumar deserted B.J.P.  but changed chief minister of Bihar after facing humiliating defeat inviting intrigues, chicanery , perfidy , heart burning & whatnot on the political tapestry of Bihar . Who was with whom  , difficult to decipher . Political jugular was in most grotesque form ,daily changing repulsive political paintings on the canvas.

                                             Nitish Kumar was not sigh in taking political cudgels . He was knowing , majority of population of Bihar is of, have not bracket, albeit having aspirational desire of better life  diagonally opposite to the living conditions of upper cast so, changing  his political partnership with Lalu Pd of R.J.D.  First he made titanic struggle to end the political hegemony of Lalu Pd of kidnapping, corruption & nepotism with the help of B.J.P. & now getting rid of Mody magic & B.J.P. cohorts with the help of Lalu Pd's clarion call of social justice in the span of ten years only. Nonetheless , spinning & reeling out various statements of morality for public consumption & media people facing some bickering here & there.

                                           Stage had been set for the connoisseur to enjoy the tango of conjugate beams on the political canvas in which Nitish Kumar by virtue of his fulcrum position turned himself as main beam & first making B.J.P. as shadow beam & now R.J.D as shadow beam , unseen & unheard in political jigsaw puzzle anywhere solved !  



1 comment:

  1. Nitish Kumar & conjugate beam theory (part-5) will appear on the Blog after some time as it will give the intricacies ,how Mr Nitish Kumar & Mr Lalu Prasad are giving callisthenic tango to conjugate beam theory . Believe me it will be hilarious !
