Sunday 16 August 2020

Memoirs !

 Memories are what, like innocuous stations passed ,sitting in a  speedy train or remembered like  books living in our head throughout  life & rest is like bills , we scan ,pay or discard or memories are pierced like joyous brightness of flashes ,to be treasured in the cove of heart !  It can be any thing !

Urchin with a Lattu

Though 1st time I went to school in Siwan a remote mufassil town in Bihar in 1955 but my serious schooling started in 1957 . I got direct admission in class VII as my mother was besotted from Macaulian phobia & she wanted , I should clear XI at the age of eleven years . I fulfilled her desire is a different matter but I remained a weak student in school .

                                     We had a class mate  Shaukat Hussain whom we lovingly called 'Shaukat Mian' He was adept in playing ' Lattu with long lace , which was called in colloquial lingo ' Lattu aur Latti'. During recess time ,we were bewitched by his artful jugglery of Lattu & long lace .

                                    I was student of Muzaffarpur Zila School which had prescribed uniform of Khaki half pant ,white half shirt with black shoes & white shocks . Students adhered to  khaki half pant & white half shirt but nobody cared for black shoes & white shocks . Hawaii slippers had just come in the market ,so it was craze among the boys ! Any boy who came with well starched uniform with proper polished shoes & white gleaming socks, looked conspicuous in the class  & our Shaukat Mian was antonym of this . He always came in the classroom with ill fitted pant , over sized shirt of his elder brother & shoes or slipper of different hues & colored . But who cared ?

                               He was toast of the class & the day he remained absent ,   it seemed something was amiss in the class room & I remember of him only of my class mates after elapsing so many decades . 

                            In his over sized shirt , the collar , Oh ! the shirt hid his short neck & his peculiar gait very similar to a frog made him really charming & conspicuous in the class room . When we teased him playing petty pranks  , just to listen in his heavy voice ' Lahaul Bila Kubat ' in colloquial lingo , on his vexation was melody to our ears .

                    His breaking into antics over a film dialogue or songs in teacher less class room with a jig ,

                     Reshmi Salwar Kurta Jali Ka,  

                    Kuchh Kaha Nahin Jaye Nakhre Wali Ka !

This couplet was able to break the monotony of dull ,drab classes . In class room or school premises ,he avoided jigs mixed with antics as it had the chance of inviting the wrath of head master or other senior teachers ,but he always remained abreast of latest film hits , its  dialogues delivery , its songs because it was the era of dialogue delivery & hit songs .

                  His father Karar Bhai was bhai to one & all in the vicinity of our 'muhalla' Chandwara . He was son & heir of a zamindar family ,thus master of huge chunk of urban land . But he was ego less , simpleton & helping creature Up till now , I have not met a person so simple in my life . He came to our drawing room in the absence of my father & mother ,appreciated handmade handicrafts kept at focal points in the room & my mother  always taunted me ' your friend Karar Bhai never comes in my presence ,otherwise , I would have treated him better ' & I always kept mum . His vast chunk of land was farmed under the command of his domineering mother & wife & Karar Bhai was simply a figurehead . 

Muzaffarpur Zila School  

One day in winter season , perhaps it was November , sky was murky & cloudy , it was biting cold , Idrish sir, vice head master of the school came outside of our classroom calling ' Shaukat , Shaukat '!

                           He looked very grave & angry . Idrish sir , was a tall fellow , age of fifty plus ,wearing white pyjama , long brown prince coat , muffler, Zinnah cap over his head .betel tainted teeth & about two days whiskers on his face was having a commanding but compassionate personality brought awe & respect in the hearts of students by  his mere  presence . 

                       In the winter season ,students had the freedom to wear pull overs , coats or any other woolen gear as per the availability in their house . Our Shukat Mia generally came in the class room wearing over sized coat , completely hiding his neck & lower tip of the coat hanging below the knee . On the fateful day Idrish sir , with holding a cane in his hand calling ,Shaukat Mia outside the class room !

                                We saw the spectacle with awe & fear , hitting the open palm of Shaukat Mia with cane , general mode of punishment . After one or two hit on the palm , Shaukat used to remove his palm like a magician & Idrish sir's cane flied in the air only. Shukat's this act infuriated Idrish sir more .

                                Now ,the real hilarious drama started . Idrish sir started to aim his hit below the knee , Shaukat bent himself  like  artist & his tip of the coat touched the floor .  The cane stroke , when flying  with no respite  made a noise of thud only , puffing some dust from the coat , happened nothing else .

Looking like Idrish sir !

This made Idrish sir more infuriated , he started to hit him with more fury & frenzy & Shaukat moved on the long corridor like a acrobat . We were looking this duel with bated breath . Ultimately our Shaukat turned victor in the duel & lastly Idrish sir tired , left him giving only harsh reprimand .

                                            Shaukat Hussain is where I don't know  , but if any of the class mate of Muzaffarpur Zila School ,I remember is of Shaukat Hussain !






  1. I regaled your story, as if I was in the same class, where you and Shaukat mia were stidying.

  2. The humor is tantalizing . Nowadays ,when you watch children of same age going to school , all look grim ,never laughing, chirping , rarely indulging in banters , seems all following strict regimen !They seem to be under pressure but who to blame ?
