Tuesday 14 February 2017

Random Memoir of 1971 Indo-Pak war & S.V.R.Surat

I was always thinking of the valour of Indian soldiers in different wars in its history of its 3000 years but in none of the battles ,the result was in favour of India & always ineptitude of its leaders whether in medieval period or modern period was favourable . In the 1st world war of 1914-18 or in 2nd world war ,the Indian soldiers with their fighting abilities or martial traits always gave better account of them selves but under foreign commanders but always gaffed when ever they were commanded by Indian commanders coming out of their own ranks . Very much heart wrenching !

                                       India fought many battles but the battle of Plassey  fought on June 1757 & 1st war of independence of 1857 had always dredged my heart ,telling if the result of battle would have been different ,definitely the course of history of India would have been different . Due to this reason I went always in detail account of war named above devouring each & every descriptions on which I can lay my hands.
Battle of Plassey of 23 June 1757( Internet Image}
                       The battle of Plassey was not a battle of great ferocity rather it was as battle of cannonade of few hours in which the casualty was on nawab Siraj-ud-Daulah side only of one of its commander Mir Madan Khan & of Buxey Hazzari only & few soldiers . Only lot of posturing was done in the battle ground by Mir Jaffar Khan , Yar Luft Khan & Rai Durlabh ,all were commanders of nawab army & traitors.

                                             On 23rd June both the armies assembled in Plassey on the bank of Bhagirathi river near Katwa . the combatants were Robert Clive in one side & Nawab of  Bengal on the other side . Plassey was not a habitat of any type but lot of Palash flowers sprouted on the barren field so it was named as 'Plassey'. It had only a hunters lodge surrounded by mango groves  on village Katwa side which was made army camp of Robert Clive . Inputs of this battle fought & aftermath of this battle result is taken from Clive Of India by Nirad C. Chauduhri & Professor Irfan Habib .
Battle ground of Plassey & assemblage of combatants army{Internet Image}

When the quantum of assembled armies were taken for detail , it is hilarious & sad .

Army of Robert Clive---
950 European Troops.
250 were of His Majesty 39th Foot
2100 Sepoy were natives & Topazes( Topchi}
60 sailors under Admiral Watson
100 artillery men .
8no of six Pounder & 2nos of Howitzers
This very army of Robert Clive was pitted against Siraj-ud-Daulah which was----
                                                                                                            35000 infantry
                                                                                                            15000 cavalry
                                                                                                             53 pieces of 18,24& 32 ponders
                                                                                                             canon with small band of French
                                                                                                             artillery commanded by Sinfrey.
When combatants army are perused it is hilarious & sad both as this very minuscule army had written the Indian destiny for 190 years . The yoke of slavery was back breaking. In this period farmers of this country were not allowed to do their choice farming to feed their dependents instead forced for Indigo farming or Poppy farming which can generate extra revenue to Britishers .In this period ,systemically textile weaving & its structure was dismantled  & other rural productive activity were systemically destroyed.  Whole textile industry was  shifted to Lanchashire & Derbyshire & other places of England . Economic exploitation was of worst type where Indians were forced to be semi slave as indentures & migrated to far off places on earth planet . The dreaded famine of Bengal occurred in 1770 when human being were dying as insects. It is difficult to describe the exploitation & general Indian public were brought on their knees . There was only one specter wafting the whole country was of master & servants & we always made blunders after blunders when ever decisive battle was fought & this is the story of last 3000 years .If  exact documentation of battle is to be revisited , for last 1500 years story is same .बरे बहादुरी से लरे ,लेकिन हार गए .

                                     The battle of Plassey was between a person who was in his twenties arrayed by middle aged army sardars ,bunch of perfidious & ambitious persons wanted to avail every opportunity for advancement of their own careers. The combatant was Robert Clive ,battle hardened British officer employing perfidy, deceit . treachery & whatnot to lure traitors to make the Nawab of Bengal a sacrificial lamb in the whole proceeding .
Robert Clive canons in mango grove (Internet Image)
  On the fateful day of 23 June of 1757 armies assembled on the ground for battle ,there became heavy rain for few hours. The whole battle ground was soggy & was difficult to move heavy canons on will .The army was standing to get orders from their generals for action but every army sepoy remained in suspended animation . It looks pathetic when nawab Siraj-ju Daulah was throwing his turban on feet of stoic Mir Jaffer Khan & beseeching him to fight, forcing swears after swears of holy book Koran. Only 
army general Mir Madan Khan charges on Clive's army but killed by the grapes coming out from British canon . His other army sardar Buxy Hazzary also got killed . Mir Jaffer Khan moved his army after much cajolement & Yar Luft Khan & Rai Durlav were watching his posturing & supplemented his posturing. Ultimately Siraj-Ju Doulah was in utter confusion looking blankly the spectacle of defeat . He was in despair & in utter confusion so, advised by Rai Durlav to live his camp in the battle field & move toward his Capital Murshidabad with 200 armed guards & Robert Clive was  giving welcome address to future Nawab of Bengal Mir Jaffer Khan . What a manifestation of treachery !

                                         In the morning of next day Siaj-ju-Daulah heard the incoming of Mir Jaffer Khan as Nawab of Bengal . Loyalty has changed & everybody of his palatial mansion had deserted him . Siraj-ju-Daulah  fled to Rajmahal of Munger district ,caught & brought back as prisoner. Mir Jaffer Khan handed him to his son Mir Miran Khan who badly mutilated Siraj_-Ju -Daulaha before killing him & his dead mutilated body was kept on the back of elephant to show the public 'the reign of Siraj-Ju Daulah has ended.

Continued........  '.        

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