Saturday 12 November 2016

Random Memoirs of S.V.R. Surat

What are the ingredients necessary for becoming a successful engineer. Well , all the good adjectives were reeled out before me rather in my subconscious but what are the vices necessary for becoming an engineer . After getting myself lodged in 'Pirti Kunja' in Kalapeshi Peshi Street in Nanpura Surat , I simply asked my seniors , what is imperative for becoming an engineer in jocular vein & reply was 'an engineer must be adept n fagging &  well versed in the game of 'FLASH' i.e. तीन पत्ती।

I simply chuckled , gave more attention to the college curriculum ,but always thought of two vices which were named . In the year 1967, there were only four long buildings in the name of structures in the S.V.R. campus which are now full of glitz & glam. as compared  to by-gone era of my time. Now just drop down at Icchanath and a premier engineering institute of the country  confronts you.

But when I had taken admission , in Surat town Nanpura area was hub of S.V.R boys to solve their lodging problems . In Kalapeshi street I got my shelter but it has changed its character in last 48 years . It is natural as after two or three decades only ,if one goes to same place nature  & character of same place goes goes for drastic change !

 The location of  Kalapeshi street is as under-

 Kalapeshi street had vantage location as it had Nanpura bus stand on one side & Timaliawad bus stand was on another end & my 1st abode in Surat , Pitrakunja was located  somewhere in it . I remember this small lodge because I learned the habits of my two vices which was helpful for me & kept me in good stead in Servant Quarter in  the flood of Surat in the year 1968 . One was fagging which is slang of cigarette smocking in disparaging terms & another was 'flash', game of three cards related to gambling. For spending time during confinement of flood was marvelous & in retrospect I thank this nasty habit of petty gambling !

 My adopted brand of cigarette was 'Berkeley', cheaper compared to 'WILLS' but good in flavor. Smocking is an art as holding the cigarette stick in hand ,taking puffs,lighting it by match box or with the help of lighters . At the same time smoke remain in your mouth or it hits you in throat , it all depends how you puff it . My one friend observed my habit & love for smoking so he presented me a cigarette lighter!

Game of three cards is so simple to play related to gambling in India so it is very popular . At least in engineering colleges ,perhaps in my time it was a good pastime & a tool to spend time if one was not ready to go with rigors & boredom  of study curriculum. In 1968 just prior to coming of flood , at least I was strong protagonist of this game of three cards. In Servant Quarter five or six boys selected a room & easily three to four hours were frittered for entertainment . It is also a fact ,the art of phlegmatic face devoid of any expression ,one learns during this game ,nonetheless  one has the habit of finding virtue in every act of his ,come what may ! Funny !

In Servant Quarter ,which was our designated hostel was now accepted as the place of our joy & despair. The fiasco by Rambhai & his cohorts were all over . It was beginning of the term of 1968 . For our staple food requirements,we had to trek Hostel no 1 & no body had the inkling of incoming devastating flood of 1968 , How one spent his time during 72 or more of flood is revisiting down memory lane.

 Now this edifice is dismantled ,but sweet memories of this place is unforgettable as this age of life one gets only once in one incarnation ! No repetition !



  1. Surprised to know about your smoking and Teen Patti in Surat days. Did you quit smoking in later life. And what about Gambling. Do you still indulge in it. For me, coming from a poor family, never got into these. In later part of my life, for about two years, I was a professional gambler in Casinos of Kathmandu. Professional means, I was paid for playing and winning and loosing were to someone else account. I became an expert of Roulette and did lot of research by computer simulation of the game, only to conclude that it is impossible to win on a regular basis. The owner of four casinos in Kathmandu (an American called Richard Tuttle, was impressed by me and became a friend). Then one day, I gave it up. Why ? It was becoming difficult to hide this from children (my wife had full knowledge) that their father makes money by gambling for others.

  2. I said ,everybody & engineers in particular should have certain vices to make them perfect. I am bold enough & rather not hypocrite so confessing it as evil of a teenager You had been also glutton,this is also a vice. This is as per your comments on Facebook .The game of flash ,तीन पत्ती,kept in good stead during flood of 1968 of Surat or how I would have spent 72 hours or more with a hungry stomach ,but after flood or stay in servant quarter I never played this तीन पत्ती . This game flash provided lot of zing & excitement . The evil of smoking remained with me after college days & during my service tenure friends always admonished me for my habit of smoking & I curbed it to a single stick & afterward completely got free from this habit In my youth days I made committed friends easily & Dr B.P.Parikh once commented ' I am adept in making gangs'. Now I am perhaps out of time so don't make friends easily . I was lone son of my parent so never allowed me to join PSU & always preferred that I should remain at Patna itself .My father was very strong headed man & he wanted me to be a civil engineer in P.W.D. I have never gone out side the country ,though about casino & other allied things I know more tan others through novels ,albeit it might be pulp fiction or novels ! Will you believe ,I am a vegetarian in food habits though I am not inborn vegetarian & teetotaler to hilt !
